Convert string to variable name or variable type

Is it possible to convert strings into variables(and vise versa) by doing something like:

makeVariable("int", "count");


string fruit;
cin >> fruit;    // user inputs "apple"
makeVariable(fruit, "a green round object");

and then be able to just access it by doing something like:

cout << apple; //a green round object

Thanks in advance!

Solution 1:

No, this is not possible. This sort of functionality is common in scripting languages like Ruby and Python, but C++ works very differently from those. In C++ we try to do as much of the program's work as we can at compile time. Sometimes we can do things at runtime, and even then good C++ programmers will find a way to do the work as early as compile time.

If you know you're going to create a variable then create it right away:

int count;

What you might not know ahead of time is the variable's value, so you can defer that for runtime:

std::cin >> count;

If you know you're going to need a collection of variables but not precisely how many of them then create a map or a vector:

std::vector<int> counts;

Remember that the name of a variable is nothing but a name — a way for you to refer to the variable later. In C++ it is not possible nor useful to postpone assigning the name of the variable at runtime. All that would do is make your code more complicated and your program slower.

Solution 2:

You can use a map.

map<string, int> numbers;
numbers["count"] = 6;
cout << numbers["count"];

Solution 3:

Beginning programmers ask this question regarding every language. There are a group of computer languages for which the answer to this question is "yes". These are dynamic, interactive languages, like BASIC, Lisp, Ruby, Python. But think about it: Variable names only exist in code, for the convenience of the programmer. It only makes sense to define a new variable while the program runs if there's a person to then subsequently type the name of the variable in new code. This is true for interactive language environment, and not true for compiled languages like C++ or Java. In C++, by the time the program runs, and the imaginary new variable would be created, there's no one around to type code that would use that new variable.

What you really want instead is the ability to associate a name with an object at runtime, so that code -- not people -- can use that name to find the object. As other people have already pointed out, the map feature of C++'s standard library gives you that ability.