Ignoring BGRT: invalid status 0 (expected 1)

As an alternative to waiting, add the boot parameter nomodeset to grub during boot. This can be done by pressing e on the grub menu entry and then inserting nomodeset on the Linux line.

This seems to be a problem caused by the most recent kernel and Nouveau, not Ubuntu.

I found the solution to this, somewhat unexpectedly. The answer is wait 10 minutes.

My research had indicated that the message itself is not the problem. What is occurring is that the next part of the bootup process is completely silent when a problem occurs. I suspected it was video card related and tried some different cards but unfortunately they were all Nvidia cards and none of them had any impact on the problem.

As it happened, I was looking at different kernel possibilities than that in the standard desktop install USB (on my Mac) and I looked over to the Ubuntu install to amazingly see the initial install screen with it's choices.

Whatever is happening, it takes about 10 minutes for that step to timeout. After which the install will progress as expected!