Trying to Change the Show Apps Button in GNOME

I know there are similar questions to this already however I've followed them and I'm still experiencing some trouble. I'm trying to theme the show app grid icon in the dock with this icon

However, when I replace the view-app-grid-symbolic.svg file with it I either get a blank white icon or no icon at all. Any help would be appreciated.

I'm using the suru++ icon theme and it would be awesome to have all the icons in the dock uniform including the show apps launcher.

Solution 1:

Ubuntu 18.10 with Suru++ Icon Theme..

just a work around to achieve what you are looking for with ubuntu-dock or dash-to-dock

files required

  1. modified view-app-grid-symbolic.svg
  2. modified gnome-shell.css

both the files available here

need to copy all the files from /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/Yaru/ to ~/.themes folder. if ~/.themes folder does not exist.. create the folder ~/.themes first and then run the below command to copy the folder..

mkdir ~/.themes/myshell && mkdir ~/.themes/myshell/gnome-shell && cp -r /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/Yaru/* ~/.themes/myshell/gnome-shell/

now replace the file ~/.themes/myshell/gnome-shell.css with the downloaded file gnome-shell.css

open gnome-tweaks and select Myshell theme under User Shell themes..(I assume you have installed this extension User Themes

enter image description here

now, Replace the image view-app-grid-symbolic.svg in the folder where you have ..../Suru++/actions/symbolic/ with the downloaded file.

enter image description here

Restart gnome-shell to see your favorite icon for the show-apps button..

enter image description here

enter image description here