Why do we usually use || over |? What is the difference?

Solution 1:

If you use the || and && forms, rather than the | and & forms of these operators, Java will not bother to evaluate the right-hand operand alone.

It's a matter of if you want to short-circuit the evaluation or not -- most of the time you want to.

A good way to illustrate the benefits of short-circuiting would be to consider the following example.

Boolean b = true;
if(b || foo.timeConsumingCall())
   //we entered without calling timeConsumingCall()

Another benefit, as Jeremy and Peter mentioned, for short-circuiting is the null reference check:

if(string != null && string.isEmpty())
    //we check for string being null before calling isEmpty()

more info

Solution 2:

| does not do short-circuit evaluation in boolean expressions. || will stop evaluating if the first operand is true, but | won't.

In addition, | can be used to perform the bitwise-OR operation on byte/short/int/long values. || cannot.

Solution 3:

So just to build on the other answers with an example, short-circuiting is crucial in the following defensive checks:

if (foo == null || foo.isClosed()) {

if (bar != null && bar.isBlue()) {

Using | and & instead could result in a NullPointerException being thrown here.