What to call someone who falsely accuses you? [closed]

Solution 1:

To falsely accuse to deflect attention away from yourself onto another is to frame them. The person would be a framer.

: to devise falsely (as a criminal charge)

: to contrive the evidence against (an innocent person) so that a verdict of guilty is assured

You could say that the person was fabricating a plan against you too. The person would be a fabricator.

someone who tells lies

invent or concoct (something), typically with deceitful intent.

And the following usually work too. Since someone accusing you of doing something you didn't is damaging your reputation.


charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone

In the right situation the following work too:

  • slanderer
  • defamer
  • smearer
  • denigrator
  • sullier

Solution 2:

  • Slanderer - someone who deliberately tells lies that will damage your reputation
  • Libeller - slandering in print
  • Perjurer - slandering under oath, or other specific legal circumstances

Of course, liar covers all these and more.

Famacide (a killer of reputation) is a nice one too.

Although not one word, you could have fun combining more than one of the above.

"You devious famacidal slanderer!" cursed Marie as the angry mob turned their back on her twin sister and turned their weapons on her instead.

Solution 3:

If done with lack of knowledge about the proof, this person is merely a slanderer or defamatory person.

However, if with deliberate intent to harm or ruin another's reputation, they are referred to as calumniators.

Solution 4:

Libeller - one who accuses falsely and maliciously, or publishes any false and defamatory statement in conversation or otherwise.

From the OED:

One who libels another; one who publishes a libel or libels.

From the OED a definition of the verb libel is:

To defame or discredit by the circulation of libellous statements; to accuse falsely and maliciously

And a definition of the noun libel is:

In popular use: Any false and defamatory statement in conversation or otherwise.