Linux System Administrator Guide? [closed]

i am an CS student and i got an job-offer as an Linux Administrator. I took this job to get deeper into Linux in order to understand and use Linux more wise.

So : Do you have any suggestions (books,links) to Linux System Administration. For Example : installing software over ssh , creating a mailinglist, installing and maintaining lampp. etc?

Solution 1:

I like The linux Documentation Project for basic information. Although the entry I go to most on that site is The Advanced Bash Scripting Guide. I've also found that google is your friend when it comes to man pages man <command> in google will generally give you a very well formatted man page which is useful in keeping the number of open terminals down.

Solution 2:

I know that you asked for books, but since you desire to learn...

One of the best learning tools that you'll find is a good virtual machine manager, such as VMWare or VirtualBox. You can set up a complete virtual learning environment right on your pc, and experiment without the worry of making a mistake in a production environment.
