Can we restore My Computer > Manage to prior functionality in Server 2012-R2
Solution 1:
This registry snippet should alleviate all that, run it from Powershell (as admin) and when you right click This PC 'Manage' it will open compmgmt.msc directly. Works instantly.
Enable - Manage via CompMgmt.msc
Set-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\clsid\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Manage\command' -Name "(default)" -Value "mmc %SystemRoot%\system32\compmgmt.msc"
Restore original setting - Manage via Server Manager.
Set-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\clsid\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Manage\command' -Name "(default)" -Value "%SystemRoot%\system32\CompMgmtLauncher.exe"
NOTE: One does not simply point to compmgmt.msc or it splashes a metro style half-screen error, cmd /c start /b method avoids it. Included a restore setting even though the OP didn't ask and probably won't use it.
Solution 2:
This is probably on top of my list of annoyances on Server 2012.
Thanks for the answer, but that didn't quite work for me. I had to modify it a little and change it to different key:
Set-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Launcher.Computer\shell\Manage\command' -Name "(default)" -Value "mmc %SystemRoot%\system32\compmgmt.msc"
This key was locked down so I had to give ownership to local admins and then add full control perms.
Thanks for your solution. My life is a little easier now.