Getting data from two table with one query

I have two tables posts and images and I want to get all the posts and related images with below code:

    $posts = Post::leftJoin('images','posts.postId','images.postId')
    ->where('countryId', $id)
    ->orderby('posts.postId', 'desc')
    ->select('posts.*','images.*', 'posts.postId as postId')

But the problem is that I get only one image of the post instead of all images because one post have multiple images.

Current Json response is:

        "postId": 103,
        "text": 'This is the post text',
        "countryId": 75,
        "imageId": 152,
        "imageLink": "C9hGzwVKlOrL.jpg",
        "imageDescription": ""

And I want to change it like this:

        "postId": 103,
        "text": 'This is the post text',
        "countryId": 75,
        "images" : [
                "imageId": 152,
                "imageLink": "C9hGzwVKlOrL.jpg",
                "imageDescription": "This is the 1st image description"
                "imageId": 153,
                "imageLink": "JHKJdiuIuoi.jpg",
                "imageDescription": "This is the 2nd image description"

You shouldn't try to get hierarchical/nested data using one query. Eloquent has "Relationships" functionality for that:

In your case you need to add "images" relation to Post model:

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Post extends Model
    public function images()
        return $this->hasMany(Image::class, 'postId', 'postId');


$posts = Post::where('countryId', $id)
    ->orderBy('postId', 'desc')
    ->select('posts.*','images.*', 'posts.postId as postId')

foreach ($posts as $post) {
    $post->images; // = collection of all images related to this post