How to match all rows in a table in which an interval intersects the `start_time` and `end_time` columns?

Solution 1:

Postgres knows range data types (which you could use in your table) and also a range overlap operator &&.

       FROM elbat
       WHERE tstzrange(start_time, end_time)
             && '[2022-01-23 16:23:00.000+00, 2022-01-23 18:44:00.000+00]'::tstzrange;

Solution 2:

You have to use this:

SELECT * FROM your_table 
WHERE start_time < '2022-01-23 18:44:00.000+00' AND end_time > '2022-01-23 16:23:00.000+00'

So start_time has to be less than the end of the search interval and end_time has to be greater than the start of the interval.

DB Fiddle


id start_time end_time
2 2022-01-23T16:00:00.000Z 2022-01-23T17:00:00.000Z
3 2022-01-23T17:00:00.000Z 2022-01-23T18:00:00.000Z
4 2022-01-23T18:00:00.000Z 2022-01-23T19:00:00.000Z