Installation/live booting stuck on logo

Solution 1:

I have solved this problem, though some instability remains, I am not sure if it is related or not.

I did it with Kubuntu, during live booting the USB one is greeted with Grub. I pressed "e" to temporarily edit the config. I replaced "quiet splash" with "nomodeset". The OS booted and I could install but it was in a super-low resolution.

Apparantly the problem was that the nouveau driver which is default played very badly with Geforce 950M. After the install was done I edited /etc/default/grub to replace "quiet splash" with "nouveau.modeset=0 splash" and replace GRUB_GFXMODE=something with GRUB_GFXMODE=1366x768 (my native screen res).

After reboot this fixed the resolution. Then I installed the proprietary drivers and all issues were gone (well I have some programs randomly crashing and other instabilities but I am not sure if these are any way related).

Solution 2:

Unless I am mistaken which I will readily admit happens often, this hereseems to be what you are going through.