Convert tuple and nested dictionary to DataFrame

One possible way to do it:

import pandas as pd

d = {0: ('Product', {'0': 'Smartwatch', '1': 'Shoes', '2': 'Necklace'}),
     1: (' Weight', {'0': 2, '1': 50, '2': 40}),
     2: (' Price', {'0': 100, '1': 240, '2': 230})}

d_col = {}
df = pd.DataFrame()
idx = 0
for k,v in d.items():
    d_col[k] = v[0]
    df = df.append(pd.DataFrame(data=v[1],index=[idx]))

df = df.T.rename(columns = d_col)

I break the tuple up and manipulate the information as needed. First, to make a dictionary called d_col. I append the data we want to an initially empty DataFrame and keep appending. Later, I use the dictionary d_col in order to label the df.T with the correct column names based on index, as I had set these indices based on idx earlier in the loop.


      Product  Weight  Price
0  Smartwatch       2    100
1       Shoes      50    240
2    Necklace      40    230