ES6 filter an array with Regex

Solution 1:

Firstly new RegExp('/\bcontact\b', 'g'); is equivalent to /\/@contact@/g where the @ are backspace character (ASCII 08) ... clearly not what you want

So, you would do new RegExp('/\\bcontact\\b', 'g'); - this is equivalent to /\/\bcontact\b/g

However, the \\b after / is redundant

so ... down to /\/contact\b/g

Using string.match here as regex.test is misused. Below is the description

var sites = { 
    links: [
        {href: ''},
        {href: ''},
        {href: ''},
        {href: ''}

const regex = new RegExp('/contact\\b', 'g');
const matchedSites = sites.links.filter(({href}) => href.match(regex));

The next problem is using the ONE regex multiple times in a regexp.test with g flag. With each call, it will look from the next indexOf previous found substring and with consecutive calls on a same-type string, it basically will return true, false, true, false.

If you want to use regex.test, then don't re-use the same regex unless you know the consequences of doing so or do not use g flag (which here you do not need)

var sites = { 
    links: [
        {href: ''},
        {href: ''},
        {href: ''},
        {href: ''}

const regex = new RegExp('/contact\\b', 'g');
const correctRegex = new RegExp('/contact\\b');

const matchedSitesFailed = sites.links.filter(({href}) => regex.test(href));
const matchedSitesSuccess = sites.links.filter(({href}) => new RegExp('/contact\\b', 'g').test(href));
const matchedSitesSuccess2 = sites.links.filter(({href}) => correctRegex.test(href));

console.log('failed returns:', matchedSitesFailed.length);
console.log('success returns:', matchedSitesSuccess.length);
console.log('success returns 2:', matchedSitesSuccess2.length);

Solution 2:

I realize that the question requests regex, but the sensible answer here is

someArray.filter(str => str.includes('contact'))

Solution 3:

You need to return the truthy / falsy result from filter function.

const sites = {
  links: [
      href: '',
      href: '',
      href: '',

const fitered = sites.links.filter((link) => {
  return link.href.split('/').some((part) => part.includes('contact'));
