Isn't it possible to define closure with generic types?
I'm a functional programmer and try to use Rust in a functional way.
I've read
Monads and GATs in nightly Rust
however, it's disappointing to have seen the code is just to implement Object&Method in the OOP paradigm.
Monads and Functors can be defined in a purely functional way, and what's fundamentally required is Higher-order generic typed functions(people prefer to call HKT or something).
I've also read here
Possible to define generic closure?
but this is 6 years ago.
Either way, without Higher-order generic typed function, it's impossible to compose Functor or Monad in the standard functional way.
I'm also surprised I can't define a simple identity function properly in the simple lambda expression form.
let identity = <T>|a:T| a;
It's 2022 now, and is there any workaround?
Solution 1:
Isn't it possible to define closure with generic types?
No, as per 2022 and rust 1.58 it is still not.
As alternatives:
You can define a function in (almost?) any scope, so as a replacement for |a:T| -> T { a }
fn main() {
fn id<T>(a: T) -> T {
for i in 0..10 {
println!("{}", id(i));
println!("{}", id("Foo"));
You can also redefine lambdas as per needed (although I would still use a function for it):
fn main() {
for i in 0..10 {
let id = |a| a;
println!("{}", id(i));
let id = |a| a;
println!("{}", id("Foo"));