Send long message in telegram bot python

I have a telegram bot and I want to send a message
in which the error message will be returned to me

my code is :

            path = 'C:\\Bot\\Log\\aaa\\*.log' 
            files = glob.glob(path) 
            nlines= 0
            data = "Servers :  \n"
            for name in files: 
                    with open(name) as f:
                        for line in f  :
                            nlines += 1
                            if (line.find("Total") >= 0):
                                data += line
                                for i in range(5):
                                    data += next(f)
                                data += f'\n{emoji.emojize(":blue_heart:")} ----------------------------------------------------{emoji.emojize(":blue_heart:")}\n'    
                            if (line.find("Source") >= 0):
                                data += line


my error is :

telegram.error.BadRequest: Message_too_long   

According to this code model, how can I send my message to the bot?

its still an open issue, but you can split your request for 4089 chars per send

you have 2 options:

if len(info) > 4096:
    for x in range(0, len(info), 4096):
        bot.send_message(, info[x:x+4096])
        bot.send_message(, info)


msgs = [message[i:i + 4096] for i in range(0, len(message), 4096)]
for text in msgs:

This code may works :

if len(info) > 4096:
    for x in range(0, len(info), 4096):
        bot.send_message(, info[x:x+4096])
        bot.send_message(, info)