Word for someone who is burned out at work

Could someone suggest a cool word or expression for someone who is tired at work?

Such a person is not doing his job properly and is waiting to quit; basically, he is not interested in his job and doesn't like the management that he is working for.

Solution 1:

Well burned out is a good term.

You could also say you are exhausted both physically and mentally. But you could sum that up with frazzled.

exhaust physically or emotionally

Now someone who is over the edge and is openly expressing their frazzledness is jaded.

noun: an old or over-worked horse

verb: get tired of something or somebody

verb: exhaust or tire through overuse or great strain or stress

Now these two terms - frazzled and jaded - are terms on how someone would describe you. You would not usually say you are frazzled or jaded... well maybe but not unless you are talking amongst good friends or a shrink.

You would say, "I am fed-up!"

Or "Take this job and shove it!"

Or "Fuck this shit!"

Or "I can't stand it!"

But then we would describe you as hostile.

There are so many words to describe this because there are so many in the apathetic boat.