How would I reference something akin to an input more than once with list comp in Python?

Solution 1:

One approach is to store it inside its own list and unpack it using for

string = input("String: ")

would become

for string in [input("String: ")]

>>> print([letter for string in [input("String: ")] for letter in string if letter == string[(len(string) - 1) // 2]])
String: abcde

formatted over multiple lines:

>>> print(
...     [letter for string in [input("String: ")]
...             for letter in string
...             if letter == string[(len(string) - 1) // 2]]
... )

Also, your logic may have undesired behaviour.

String: abcdecccccc
['c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'c']

Solution 2:

If I wanted to cram something like this onto one line I'd use a lambda:

>>> print((lambda x: x[(len(x) - 1) // 2])(input()))

In this case I think readability is vastly improved by doing the variable assignment on its own line, though.