How to determine which 1H bar produced the low of the day?

I'm trying to calculate which bar (of the 24-hour bars in a day), produced the low for the day. This I want to calculate only for days that produced a green bar on 1D.

The code below practically waits until the first hour bar of the day (01h00), then checks whether yesterday was a green bar on 1D and then looks back 24-hour bars to determine which one of them produced the low for the day. Or that is what it's supposed to do. The results from this code are confusing and I cannot figure out what is wrong. Any advice would be highly appreciated, thanks.

indicator("Low of day bar")

endOfDay = 0100 //session end, in exchange local time, in 24hours format: 9:30AM=930, 4pm=1600
lastBarOfDay = (hour(time_close)*60 + minute(time_close)==(60*(endOfDay/100)+endOfDay%100))?1:0

dayIsGreen =, 'D', close)[1] >=, 'D', open)[1]

longSLBar = 0

if lastBarOfDay == 1 and dayIsGreen
    longSLBar := ta.lowestbars(low, 24)[2] //without current bar, low, text =str.tostring(longSLBar))


Found the problem. The code:

ta.lowestbars(low, 24)[1]

Needed to run every single iteration, so I moved it out of the if statement.

indicator("Low of day bar")

endOfDay = 0100 //session end, in exchange local time, in 24hours format: 9:30AM=930, 4pm=1600
lastBarOfDay = (hour(time_close)*60 + minute(time_close)==(60*(endOfDay/100)+endOfDay%100))?1:0

dayIsGreen =, 'D', close)[1] >=, 'D', open)[1]

var int longSLBar = na

last24bars = ta.lowestbars(low, 24)[1]

if lastBarOfDay == 1 and dayIsGreen
    longSLBar := last24bars, low, text =str.tostring(longSLBar))
