I'm new to React and trying to add input fields when button Add Bullet is clicked (sort of a ToDo list functionality).

My component is:

  return (
            {bullet.map((text, i) => {
            return (
              <div className="box">
                <p>Bullet {i+1}</p>
                    name="Bullet" placeholder="Enter text"
                    value={text} onChange={(event) => {
                    <button onClick={handleAddClick}>Add Bullet</button>


The problem is that the function handleAddClick is called (checked via console.log) but it doesn't add the new input method. I'm using state array to update so it will be helpful is someone can help me in fixing the problem.


const handleAddClick = useCallback(() => {
      'Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text'
  }, [ bullet ]);

Update: After modifying the function now the problem is that whenever I start typing in an input box it immediately removes all other input boxed and keep only one. I'm passing the value of event.target.value to onChange function.

I believe your original handleAddClick handler just needed to use a functional state update to correctly update from the previous state versus whatever state was closed over in scope.

const handleAddClick = () => {
  setBullet(bullets => [
    'Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text'

To address the update issue, you are completely replacing the bullet state in the input's onChange handler.

  placeholder="Enter text"
  onChange={(event) => {
    setBullet([event.target.value]) // <-- replaceS the entire array!!

What you'll want is a handler like the remove handler that updates a specific index.

const onChangeHandler = (index: number, value: string) => {
  setBullet(bullets => bullets.map(
    (bullet, i) => i === index ? value : bullet


  placeholder="Enter text"
  onChange={e => onChangeHandler(i, e.target.value)}

You should wrap your callback handler inside of useCallback() to memoize it. At the moment, your function is being defined every time the component is rendered, so its reference value for bullet is using the initial value, rather than the updated one:

const handleAddClick = useCallback(() => {
    'Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text'
}, [ bullet ]);