Appending newlines to a variable to be "echo"ed out

To create a new line variable is a good start. But you should use it in a different way.
Percent expansion doesn't work quite well with newlines in variables, it can be done, but it's quite complex.

But delayed expansion flawlessly works with any characters

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

(set \n=^
%=empty line=%

echo Line1!\n!Line2

set "multiline_var=First Line!\n!Second Line"

echo !multiline_var!

First of all, delayed expansion does not affect the immediately expanded new-lines (or correctly spoken, line-feed characters), because you are using immediate (%-)expansion for them.

The major issue is that %-expansion happens so early, which seems to interfere with recognition of line-breaks when a variable contains such.

Everything behind a line-break becomes dismissed every time the parser expands a %-variable containing line-breaks, so they must be escaped, leading to manifold escaping sequences. This can be demonstrated by the following script:

@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion

rem // Define a line-feed character:
set \n=^

rem // Define an escaped line-feed character:
set NL=^^^%\n%%\n%^%\n%%\n%
::rem // Redefine the escaped new-line character; it does not change, because the parser first expands `%`-variables before it recognises line-breaks in them:
::set NL=^^%NL%%NL%
rem // Define multi-escaped sequences needed when the same expanded value passes through the parser several times:
set NLNL=^^^^^^^^^^^^^^%NL%%NL%^^%NL%%NL%^^^^^^%NL%%NL%^^%NL%%NL%
set NLNLNL=^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^%NL%%NL%^^%NL%%NL%^^^^^^%NL%%NL%^^%NL%%NL%^^^^^^^^^^^^^^%NL%%NL%^^%NL%%NL%^^^^^^%NL%%NL%^^%NL%%NL%
::set NLNLNL=^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^%NLNL%%NLNL%^^^^^^^^%NLNL%%NLNL%
echo  ---- DEFINITION ---- 
set NL
echo  -------------------- 

echo !\n! ***** IMMEDIATE EXPANSION ***** !\n!

rem // The more parser passes the more escaping is needed:
echo  -- VARIABLE CHECK -- 
set errMsg=This would be the first custom error message%NLNLNL%
set errMsg
set errMsg=%errMsg%This would be the second custom error message%NLNL%
set errMsg
set errMsg=%errMsg%This would be the third custom error message%NL%
set errMsg
echo  -- MESSAGE OUTPUT -- 
echo %errMsg%
echo  -------------------- 

echo !\n! ***** `CALL` EXPANSION ***** !\n!

echo  -- VARIABLE CHECK -- 
set errMsg=This would be the first custom error message%%NL%%
set errMsg
set errMsg=%errMsg%This would be the second custom error message%%NL%%
set errMsg
set errMsg=%errMsg%This would be the third custom error message%%NL%%
set errMsg
echo  -- MESSAGE OUTPUT -- 
call echo %errMsg%
echo  -------------------- 

echo !\n! ***** DELAYED EXPANSION ***** !\n!

echo  -- VARIABLE CHECK -- 
set errMsg=This would be the first custom error message!\n!
set errMsg
set errMsg=!errMsg!This would be the second custom error message!\n!
set errMsg
set errMsg=!errMsg!This would be the third custom error message!\n!
set errMsg
echo  -- MESSAGE OUTPUT -- 
echo !errMsg!
echo  -------------------- 

exit /B

This is the related Command Prompt output:

 ---- DEFINITION ----















errMsg=This would be the first custom error message^^^^^^^




errMsg=This would be the first custom error message^^^


This would be the second custom error message^^^


errMsg=This would be the first custom error message^

This would be the second custom error message^

This would be the third custom error message

This would be the first custom error message
This would be the second custom error message
This would be the third custom error message

 ***** `CALL` EXPANSION *****

errMsg=This would be the first custom error message%NL%
errMsg=This would be the first custom error message%NL%This would be the second custom error message%NL%
errMsg=This would be the first custom error message%NL%This would be the second custom error message%NL%This would be the third custom error message%NL%
This would be the first custom error message
This would be the second custom error message
This would be the third custom error message



errMsg=This would be the first custom error message

errMsg=This would be the first custom error message
This would be the second custom error message

errMsg=This would be the first custom error message
This would be the second custom error message
This would be the third custom error message

This would be the first custom error message
This would be the second custom error message
This would be the third custom error message


In the IMMEDIATE EXPANSION section complicated escape sequences are required to maintain the line-breaks when command lines pass through the parsing process multiple times.

The CALL EXPANSION section illustrates a simpler way, using the call command, which introduces another parsing phase, which lets the literal string portion %NL% be expanded, which is actually contained in the errMsg variable rather than line-breaks. Note that call is slow and has got side-effects, like caret-(^-)doubling and loss of &, |, < and > under certain circumstances.

The best option is certainly to use delayed expansion as shown through the DELAYED EXPANSION section, because this allows the variable errMsg to actually contain the line-breaks and to safely expand them without being recognised by the parser too early.