How can I overwrite styles of an autofilled input when using Chakra UI?
Just incase anyone has the same issue, I couldn't figure out how to override the default browser background-color
, so instead I gave it a box-shadow
value that creates a similar effect. Box-shadow is not set by the browser's autofill styles so this works well for my case.
const theme = extendTheme({
components: {
Input: {
baseStyle: {
field: {
bg: "gray.700",
color: "gray.300",
_hover: {
bg: "gray.500",
_focus: {
bg: "gray.500",
_autofill: {
border: "1px solid transparent",
textFillColor: "#c6c6c6",
boxShadow: "0 0 0px 1000px #232323 inset",
transition: "background-color 5000s ease-in-out 0s",