Why is this function still running on desktop?

The issue is that you're assigning the Click action and never removing it. One work-around is just to embrace that - put your mobile check in the click handler. Then use CSS to handle the hiding/showing of the p element.

function IsMobileScreenSize(){
    var newWindowWidth = $(window).width();

    // true if screens less than 1024
    if (newWindowWidth < 1024) {
        return true;
    return false;

//      $('.footer__locations p').hide(); // Handle UI in CSS instead

// Accordion function just set it always
$(".footer__locations").find("h5").click(function() {
    // Only do for larger screen sizes, otherwise just stop here
    if ( ! IsMobileScreenSize() )
    $('.footer__locations p').slideUp();
    var selected = $(this).next('.footer__locations p');
    if (selected.is(":hidden")) {
    $(this).next('.footer__locations p').slideDown();

Finally, your checkScreenSize function will look like below

function checkScreenSize(){
    if (IsMobileScreenSize()) {
      $('.footer__locations p').hide();
    } else {
      $('.footer__locations p').show();      