JavaScript equivalent for PHP preg_replace

I've been looking for a js-equivalent for the PHP preg_replace function and what I found so far is simply string.replace.

However I'm not sure how to convert my regular expression to JavaScript. This is my PHP code:

preg_replace("/( )*/", $str, $str);

So for example the following:

test   test   test test



Anyone knows how I can do this in JavaScript?

Solution 1:

var text = 'test   test   test test';
var fixed = text.replace(/\s+/g, '-');

Solution 2:

javascripts string.replace function also takes a regular expression:

"test    test  test    test".replace(/ +/,'-');

Solution 3:

In JavaScript, you would write it as:

result = subject.replace(/ +/g, "-");

By the way, are you sure you've posted the right PHP code? It would rather be:

$result = preg_replace('/ +/', '-', $str);