Python Code not working correctly

Solution 1:

The condition

if calculate[2] == opperations:

will compare calculate[2] with the whole list ["+", "-", "*", "/"]. You can instead use the in keyword, to check if a element is inside a sequence:

if calculate[2] in opperations:
    # ...

Also, in the part where you compare opperations with "+", "- ... You should be comparing them with calculate[2]:

if calculate[2] == "+":
    A = 1
elif calculate[2] == "-":
    A = 2
elif calculate[2] == "*":
    A = 3
elif calculate[2] == "/":
    A = 4

Notes: Your approach will just handle operations with 1 digit numbers. I would recommend you to use the split(" ") method so you can use it like:

s = "100 + 20"
parts = s.split(" ")   # split by space
parts[0] # 100
parts[1] # +
parts[2] # 20