Not able to export data into Excel using xlsxwriter library

I'm trying to iterate a For Loop such that the elements in the two lists get exported to excel in columns A and B. However, whenever I run the code it only displays a single number in column B row 1 (B1).

The entire code is too long so I'm attaching just a snippet of the code where I am stuck.

This is what I'm getting in my excel file when I run the code

#Exporting data to Excel
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('efficient_front.xlsx')
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()

i = 1
if company == first_company:
    for perc_return in returns:
        worksheet.write('A' + str(i) , perc_return)
        i =+ 1
    for perc_return in returns:
        worksheet.write('B' + str(i), perc_return)
        i =+ 1


Solution 1:

I assume this is what you wanted to achieve

consider the given lists => prod_codes, ID_codes. The below code will write each list as a column in an excel sheet. The parameters of worksheet.write() are as shown below


    prod_codes = [1001,1002,1003,1004,1005,1006]
    ID_codes = [123,345,567,789,908,345]
    with xlsxwriter.Workbook('PATH for XLSX to be created') as workbook:
            worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet("NAME_ME")
            for index,value in enumerate(ID_codes):
            for index,value in enumerate(prod_codes):

Please go through the official documentation, it's clear how to perform what you need to perform.