Solution 1:

Here i have used Postgresql and used db.Raw() function to run DELETE FROM ... USING ... WHERE ... command

I have created 2 table of customer and owner in postgresql inserted data manually using psql cli Before running any Golang program
customer table : enter image description here owner table : enter image description here

package main

import (


type customer struct  {
    Id int `gorm:"id"`
    First_name string `gorm:"first_name"`
    Last_name string `gorm:"last_name"`
    Email string `gorm:"email"`
    Gender string `gorm"gender"`
    Ip_address string `gorm:"ip_address"`

func main () {
    dburl:= "postgres://postgres:password@localhost:5432"

    db,err := gorm.Open(postgres.Open(dburl),&gorm.Config{})
    if err !=nil {
        log.Fatalln("error connnection")
    // db.Exec("DELETE customer using owner WHERE customer.first_name = owner.first_name ")
    var s customer
    db.Raw("DELETE FROM customer using owner WHERE customer.first_name = owner.first_name ").Scan(&s)


After running this Golang code first_name field is deleted from customer table : enter image description here