Function pointer with param of type using impl

Would something like this work, using either a type with a trait, or by an unstable feature trait_alias?

pub trait IoContext {}

struct MyContext {}
impl IoContext for MyContext {}

pub fn do_thing_with_context(
    context: &mut impl IoContext,
) -> () {

pub trait MyFuncRefTraitAlias<IO> = Fn(&mut IO) ;

fn use_fn_ref_trait_alias<F: MyFuncRefTraitAlias<IO>, IO: IoContext>(context: &mut IO, f: F) {

pub type MyFuncRefTyped<IO> = fn(&mut IO);

fn use_fn_ref_typed<IO: IoContext>(context: &mut IO, f: MyFuncRefTyped<IO>) {

fn main() {
    let mut context = MyContext {};
    let fn_ref = do_thing_with_context;
    use_fn_ref_trait_alias(&mut context, fn_ref);
    use_fn_ref_typed(&mut context, fn_ref);

Note that you can not use type alias bounds in this case for IO or F (e.g. type MyFuncRef<IO: IoContext, F>), see