How to implement conditional styles in MUI v5 sx prop

Looking for clever conditional styles in MUI5's sx prop. One example I have played with is:

const statusStyle = (status) => {
  switch (status) {
    case "aborted":
      return "#D66460";
    case "queue":
      return "#6685F0";
    case "processing":
      return "#F0E666";
      return "#60D660";

  sx={{ color: statusStyle(status) }}

But I'm wondering if someone has come up with something more elegant?

If it's just a simple mapping with a primitive key, you can use an object:

const statusColors = {
  aborted: '#D66460',
  queue: '#6685F0',
  processing: '#F0E666',
sx={{ color: statusColors[job.status] ?? defaultColor }}

If you want to pass a style object conditionally, you can use the spread syntax ..., this is how the MUI team apply the styles to the components with different variants and states:

  color: defaultColor,
  backgroundColor: defaultBgcolor,
  ...(job.status === 'aborted' && {
    color: color1,
    backgroundColor: bgcolor1,
  ...(job.status === 'queue' && {
    color: color2,
    backgroundColor: bgcolor2,
  ...(job.status === 'processing' && {
    color: color3,
    backgroundColor: bgcolor3,