Getting "'tuple' object has no attribute 'perimetre'?"

How to resolve the problem? I try:

class plot():
    def __init__(self,length,width):
    self.length = length
    self.width = width
    def area(self):
    print("area is ",self.length*self.width)
    def perimetre(self):
    per = 2(self.length+self.width)
    print("perimeter is ",per)
a1 , p1 = plot(10,20),(10,20)


and got this error:

<>:10: SyntaxWarning: 'int' object is not callable; perhaps you missed a comma? 
<>:10: SyntaxWarning: 'int' object is not callable; perhaps you missed a comma? <ipython-input-83-8515c6a74849>:10: SyntaxWarning: 'int' object is not callable; perhaps you missed a comma?
   per = 2(self.length + self.width)
 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AttributeError
 Traceback (most recent call last)
  <ipython-input-83-8515c6a74849> in <module>
      14 a1.area()
 ---> 15 p1.perimetre()
 AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'perimetre'

Solution 1:

Change a1, p1 = plot(10,20),(10,20) to a1, p1 = plot(10,20), plot(10,20). You are instantiating a plot for a1 but then you instantiate a tuple for p1 by only using parentheses.

Also this code here per = 2(self.length+self.width) is not valid. You're trying to call 2 like its a function.