Sveltekit load function issue

Solution 1:

the error states page in load functions has been replaced by url and params a quick search in the documentation as noted here

yields this snippet

export async function load({ params, fetch, session, stuff }) {
    const url = `/blog/${params.slug}.json`;
    const res = await fetch(url);

    if (res.ok) {
        return {
            props: {
                article: await res.json()

    return {
        status: res.status,
        error: new Error(`Could not load ${url}`)

you can directly use the params within load()

you can refactor your code to

<script context="module">
    export async function load({params}) {
        const id =;
        const url = `${id}`;
        const res = await fetch(url);
        const pokeman = await res.json();
        return {props: {pokeman}};
    export let pokeman;