Mongoose - How to push object in nested array of objects

  1. Use arrayFilters to filter the nested document(s) in the array field, then $push if the filter criteria in the arrayFilters met.
  "_id": _id,
  "menu.dishCategory": dishCategoryId
  $push: {
    "menu.$[menu].dishMeals": newDish
  arrayFilters: [
      "menu.dishCategory": dishCategoryId

Sample Mongo Playground

You can do it with arrayFilters config in update query:

  "restaurant_id": 1
  "$push": {
    "menu.$[element].dishMeals": {
      "dishMealName": "Best Burger",
      "dishMealIngredients": "Best burger in town",
      "dishMealPrice": 10
  "arrayFilters": [
      "element.dishCategory._id": "61e6089f209b802518e2b4a4"

Working example

You may read the question and the solution they provided here, Hope this one will be helpful to you.

    "_id": 1,
    "menu.dishCategory": "61e6089f209b802518e2b4a4"
    $push: {
        "menu.$.dishMeals": newMeal