SQL QUERY - how to get child records with different types but from the same parent group

I needed a query where to return the finished type records from the service_flow_actions table, but the records must belong to the service_flow table group where there are records that were given play

  1. Table work_order
id company_id closed status
1 1 true true
2 1 true true
  1. Table service_flow
id work_order_id company_id
1 1 1
2 2 1
3 2 1
  1. Table service_flow_actions
id work_order_id service_flow_id type company_id
1 1 1 finished 1
2 1 2 play 1
3 2 2 finished 1
4 2 3 play 1
5 2 3 pause 1
6 2 3 finished 1

I had thought of something like that, but it didn't work.

SELECT DISTINCT(service_flow_actions.*)
FROM service_flow_actions
INNER JOIN work_order ON service_flow_actions.work_order_id = work_order.id
LEFT JOIN service_flow_actions t ON work_order.id = t.work_order_id AND t.type = 'play' AND work_order.company_id = 37
WHERE work_order.company_id = 37 AND service_flow_actions.type = 'finished' AND work_order.closed = true AND work_order.status = true 

The exists clause helps in such situation, of course you can achieve the same result using the join clause, but I would go for simple solution first, unless I face performance issues.

FROM service_flow_actions
WHERE type = 'finished'
    SELECT 1
    FROM service_flow_actions sub
    WHERE sub.service_flow_id = service_flow_actions.service_flow_id
    AND sub.type = 'play' 