How to curry a Func and pass it to another Func with fewer arguments inside the constructor?

I have a class that looks like this

 public class CacheManger<T> where T : class, new()
     public CacheManger(Func<int, T> retriveFunc, Func<List<T>> loadFunc)
        _retriveFunc = retriveFunc;
        _loadFunc = loadFunc;

    public T GetValueByid(int id)
        return _retriveFunc(id);

I have another class which is as follows

public class AccountCache 

    public AccountCache ()
        CacheManager = new CacheManger<Account>(GetAccount, LoadAcc);
        // LoadAcc is another method that returns a List<Account>

    private Account GetAccount(int accID)
        return CacheManager.CacheStore.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ID == accID);
        //CacheStore is the List<T> in the CacheManager.(internal datastore)

    public Account GetProdServer(int accID)
        return CacheManager.GetValueByid(accID);

Now as you could see I can pass GetAccount to the constructor of CacheManager. Now I have another class where i have a method like this

public User GetUser(string accountID, int engineID)


How could I pass this function to the CacheManager's constructor. I could carry the function, but then how could I pass it as a constructor argument?

What I am doing doing right now:

private User GetUserInternal(string accountID, int engineID)
    /* actual code to get user */

private Func<string, Func<int, User>> Curry(Func<string, int, User> function)
    return x => y => function(x, y);

public UserGetAccount(string accountID, int engineID)
    _retriveFunc = Curry(GetUserInternal)(accountID);
    CacheManager.RetrivalFunc = _retriveFunc; //I really dont want to do this. I had to add a public property to CacheManager class for this
    return CacheManager.GetValueByid(engineID);// This will call GetUserInternal

You probably want partial application rather than currying. The best way I've found is to just create N functions that take from 1-N generic parameters, then let the compiler pick the one you want. If you take a look at my language-ext project I have two functions, one called curry and one called par for currying and partial application:

Currying and Partial Application source

To partially apply, do this:

// Example function
int AddFour(int a,int b,int c, int d)
    return a + b + c + d;

// This returns a Func<int,int,int> with the first two arguments 10 & 5 auto-provided
var tenfive = par(AddFour, 10, 5);

// res = 10 + 5 + 1 + 2
var res = tenfive(1,2);

To curry, do this:

// Example function
int AddFour(int a,int b,int c, int d)
    return a + b + c + d;

// Returns Func<int,Func<int,Func<int,Func<int,int>>>>
var f = curry(AddFour);

// res = 10 + 5 + 1 + 2
var res = f(10)(5)(1)(2);