How can I change picture on opening & closing details/summary?

Solution 1:

That is your missing part: const details = document.querySelector('details'). Then it would work.

    function changeImage(a) {
      document.getElementById("img").src = a;
const details = document.querySelector('details')
    details.addEventListener("toggle", event => {
      if ( {
      } else {
  <script type="text/javascript">


        <td width="64">#910</td>
      <td width="64">#910</td>

  <img id="img" src=''>

Solution 2:

Use event.currentTarget;, it points to the tag that is listeneing for the event. That event is a simple 'click', never read that 'toggle' was an event, I learned something today.

const changeImage = event => {
  const clicked = event.currentTarget;
  const img = document.querySelector('.img');

  if (clicked.matches('details')) {
    if ( {
      img.src = "";
    } else {
      img.src = "";

document.querySelector('details').addEventListener('click', changeImage)
      <td width="64">#910</td>
    <td width="64">#910</td>
<img class="img" src=''>