Regex look behind until whitespace
string corrected = Regex.Replace(input, @">(?<=disposition)", "R");
Is it possible to replace ">" only in cases that it is preceded by "disposition" without any whitespaces between it?
I'm asking because I have pseudo XML with attributes like disposition="4<^12^13>>^^<^14,5<^20"
in many elements. I load it as one big string, do various fixes and only then I parse it to XML.
I can't think of many sollutions... In case Regex can't do what I'm asking, I can think only of separating that big string by whitespaces and fix every attribute individually then, but I'm afrad that will create a lot of load.
Solution 1:
You can use
Regex.Replace(text, @"(?<=\bdisposition=""[^""]*)>", "R")
Here, the regex is (?<=\bdisposition="[^"]*)>
, the "
is doubled only because the string literal is the verbatim string literal here.
- a positive lookbehind ((?<=...)
) that requires, immediately to the left of the current location):-
- word boundary -
- a literal text -
- zero or more chars other than"
- a>