How to create new column dynamically in dataframe in python

Use DataFrame.stack for possible compare all levels columns first with second, create new column in DataFrame.assign and reshape back by DataFrame.unstack with DataFrame.swaplevel and DataFrame.reindex for original order:

#original ordering
orig = df1.columns[1:].tolist()
print (orig)
['empname', 'empcity']

df_final = (df_all.stack()
                  .assign(comparions=lambda x: x['first'].eq(x['second']))
                  .swaplevel(axis = 'columns')
                  .reindex(orig, axis=1, level=0))
print (df_final)
      empname                   empcity                  
        first second comparions   first second comparions
1           a      a       True      aa     aa       True
2           b      b       True      bb     bb       True
3           c      m      False      cc     cc       True
4           d      d       True      dd    ddd      False
5           e      n      False      ee     ee       True
6           f      f       True      ff    fff      False

Directly comparing 2 dataframes with ==

You can do this with a simple == between two dataframes that you need to compare. Let's start with the original 2 dataframes df1 and df2 -

first = df1.set_index('empid')
second = df2.set_index('empid')
comparisons = first==second      #<---

output = pd.concat([first, second, comparisons], axis=1,keys=['first','second', 'comparisons'])

#Swapping level and reindexing, borrowed from Jezrael's excellent answer
output = output.swaplevel(axis=1).reindex(first.columns, axis=1, level=0)
      empname                    empcity                   
        first second comparisons   first second comparisons
1           a      a        True      aa     aa        True
2           b      b        True      bb     bb        True
3           c      m       False      cc     cc        True
4           d      d        True      dd    ddd       False
5           e      n       False      ee     ee        True
6           f      f        True      ff    fff       False

Alternate approach with pandas groupby

In addition to the excellent answer by jezrael, I am adding an alternate way of doing this using pandas groupby.

  1. Tranpose to get columns as row indexes
  2. Groupby on first level which contains empcity and empname
  3. Apply comparison between the 2 rows
  4. Transpose back to columns
  5. Add multi index columns by product of original columns and "comparisons"
  6. Combine the two dataframes (original one and one with comparisons)
  7. Use swaplevel and reindex to get the order of columns that you need
#create comparisons
comparisons = (df_all.T
                     .apply(lambda x: x.iloc[0]==x.iloc[1])

#add multi index columns
comparisons.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['comparison'],comparisons.columns])

#concatenate with original data
df_final = pd.concat([df_all, comparisons], axis='columns')

#Swapping level and reindexing, borrowed from Jezrael's excellent answer
df_final = (df_final.swaplevel(axis = 'columns')
                                .columns, axis=1, level=0))
      empname                   empcity                  
        first second comparison   first second comparison
1           a      a       True      aa     aa       True
2           b      b       True      bb     bb       True
3           c      m      False      cc     cc       True
4           d      d       True      dd    ddd      False
5           e      n      False      ee     ee       True
6           f      f       True      ff    fff      False