What's the best way to read a text file from within a tar archive as strings (not byte strings)?
Solution 1:
The with
statement allows for multiple context managers, and as it turns out, their construction may depend on previous ones in the chain - example:
class manager:
def __init__(self, name, child=None):
self.name, self.child = name, child
def __exit__(self, t, value, traceback):
print('exiting', self)
def __enter__(self):
print('entering', self)
return self
def __str__(self):
childname = None if self.child is None else f"'{self.child.name}'"
return f"manager '{self.name}' with child {childname}"
Testing it:
>>> with manager('x') as x, manager('y', x) as y, manager('z', y) as z: pass
entering manager 'x' with child None
entering manager 'y' with child 'x'
entering manager 'z' with child 'y'
exiting manager 'z' with child 'y'
exiting manager 'y' with child 'x'
exiting manager 'x' with child None
with tarfile.open("file.tar") as tar, tar.extractfile("test.txt") as binary, io.TextIOWrapper(binary) as text:
lines = text.readlines()
(Although I don't think you really need to manage all those contexts anyway...)