Blazor binding a List<string> in an EditForm

Solution 1:

The answer is in the accepted answer you linked to...

You are looking to create a two-way data binding of a collection.

<EditForm Model="@person">
    @foreach (var PName in person.names) 
        <InputText @bind-Value="@PName.Name" />

private Person person = new Person {ID = "1", names = new List<PersonName>() 
                { new PersonName {Name = "Marry" }, 
                  new PersonName {Name = "Marria" } 

public class Person
   public string ID {get;set;}
   public List<PersonName> names { get; set; }

public class PersonName 
    public string Name { get; set; }


Note that in order to bind the Name property, you must define it in a class of its own, and in the Person model you define a list of that class ( PersonName ). This is the only way to bind to a collection.