"object not found" error in mediation analysis in R
I am doing mediation analysis in R. My mediator is a binary variable, so model.m
is run by glm
data = data.frame(ID = as.character(seq(1,100,1)),group = seq(1,100,1),
iris[1:100,],day1 = rnorm(100), day2 = rnorm(100), day3 = rnorm(100))
data$med = as.factor(ifelse(data$Petal.Width>0.3&data$Petal.Width<1.2,1,0))
data_long <- data %>%
pivot_longer(cols = day1:day3, names_to = "day", values_to = "y") %>%
mutate(day = as.numeric(gsub("day", "", day))) %>%
dplyr::select(ID, day, Sepal.Length, everything()) %>%
formula <- as.formula(Sepal.Length ~ Species + med + Petal.Length + Sepal.Width + day + (day | group))
out.fit <- lme4::lmer(formula = formula,
data = data_long,
control = lme4::lmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa",
optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e5)))
formula_2 <- as.formula(med ~ Species + Petal.Length + Sepal.Width)
med.fit <- glm(formula = formula_2,
data = data,
family = "binomial")
result <- mediate(med.fit, out.fit, treat = "Species",
treat.value = "setosa", control.value = "versicolor",
mediator = "med",
sims = 100)
However, after I ran the above piece of code, I kept getting error:
Error in factor(PredictMt, levels = 1:m, labels = m.levels) :
object 'm' not found
I checked the original source code and found that m.levels
in the source code should be a variable and there isn't an object called m
. In other words, m
should not be an object. I don'r understand why the program recognize m
as an object.
Also, the code runs totally fine on the continuous mediator. The following code works:
formula <- as.formula(Sepal.Length ~ Species + Petal.Width + Petal.Length + Sepal.Width + day + (day | group))
out.fit <- lme4::lmer(formula = formula,
data = data_long,
control = lme4::lmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa",
optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e5)))
formula_2 <- as.formula(Petal.Width ~ Species + Petal.Length + Sepal.Width)
med.fit <- lm(formula = formula_2,
data = data)
result <- mediate(med.fit, out.fit, treat = "Species",
treat.value = "setosa", control.value = "versicolor",
mediator = "Petal.Width",
sims = 100)
Solution 1:
I found the crux of the issue:
In mediate.R, you can find "For binary response models, the 'mediator' must be a numeric variable with values 0 or 1 as opposed to a factor."
After I added data$med = as.numeric(data$med)-1
, problem solved.