Translate words into the class component (.ts) with ngx-translate (Angular)

I want to translate the content of a table into my typescript class. The table's data are fetched from JSON file located into /assets.

Is there a way to achieve that? How I can mark translation into a typescript class? PS: Please do not suggest doing it into the HTML, since it is not the desired way.

Solution 1:

As mentioned in the ngx-translate docs, you can achieve that by injecting the TranslateService into your class constructor, then use one of the following methods:

constructor(private translate: TranslateService) {}

ngOnInit(): void {
  // Using `instant` function:
  const translatedValueUsingInstant = this.translate.instant(

  // OR using `get` function:
  let translatedValueUsingGet: string;
    .subscribe((value) => (translatedValueUsingGet = value));