Pycharm interpreter nothing to show

I have a project for which I set up a pipenv environment with Python 3.7. It worked fine until I cloned from master in VCS. I have done this many times before for the same project, but my last clone messed something up:

  • All my project files seem to be out of the project:

    The yellow background on my project files show that they are considered external to the project. (Had to black out some words because of company rules).

    The yellow background on my files show that they are considered external to the project

  • My build/debug configurations show nonsense (there's a configuration for each file, things that I have never done).

  • The Python interpreter in the options says "Nothing to show":

    As you can see, my Python interpreter does not display, and I cannot add one either.

    Python interpreter does not display, cannot add a new one either

I tried opening another project which uses venv, and it worked perfectly fine.

From what I found, some other people have had this problem but I never found any fix, except someone who said the bug disappeared when rebooting. I tried but it didn't work.

My theory is that after cloning, my files are now out of the current project. This is why pipenv wouldn't work, and I couldn't add a Python interpreter.

The behavior is under investigation now, please follow

A workaround is to delete .idea folder in the project and reopen it in PyCharm.