Convert Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest to HttpRequestMessage

I need to convert Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest from an AspNetCore context to an HttpRequestMessage to pass to an HttpClient. Is there a simple way of achieve this? Or any hint to implement this would be very helpful.

Update I want to convert the request into a message but I want to change the target url, I want just to redirect the request into another server.

Try Web API Compatibility Shim

HttpRequestMessageFeature hreqmf = new HttpRequestMessageFeature(httpRequest.HttpContext);
HttpRequestMessage httpRequestMessage = hreqmf.HttpRequestMessage;

Or you could get inspired by Microsoft.AspNetCore.Proxy

These extensions to httpContext may come in handy.

I ended up doing this:

public static class RequestTranscriptHelpers
    public static HttpRequestMessage ToHttpRequestMessage(this HttpRequest req)
        => new HttpRequestMessage()

    private static HttpRequestMessage SetAbsoluteUri(this HttpRequestMessage msg, HttpRequest req)
        => msg.Set(m => m.RequestUri = new UriBuilder
            Scheme = req.Scheme,
            Host = req.Host.Host,
            Port = req.Host.Port.Value,
            Path = req.PathBase.Add(req.Path),
            Query = req.QueryString.ToString()

    private static HttpRequestMessage SetMethod(this HttpRequestMessage msg, HttpRequest req)
        => msg.Set(m => m.Method = new HttpMethod(req.Method));

    private static HttpRequestMessage SetHeaders(this HttpRequestMessage msg, HttpRequest req)
        => req.Headers.Aggregate(msg, (acc, h) => acc.Set(m => m.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation(h.Key, h.Value.AsEnumerable())));

    private static HttpRequestMessage SetContent(this HttpRequestMessage msg, HttpRequest req)
        => msg.Set(m => m.Content = new StreamContent(req.Body));

    private static HttpRequestMessage SetContentType(this HttpRequestMessage msg, HttpRequest req)
        => msg.Set(m => m.Content.Headers.Add("Content-Type", req.ContentType), applyIf: req.Headers.ContainsKey("Content-Type"));

    private static HttpRequestMessage Set(this HttpRequestMessage msg, Action<HttpRequestMessage> config, bool applyIf = true)
        if (applyIf)

        return msg;

  public static class ResponseTranscriptHelpers
        public static async Task FromHttpResponseMessage(this HttpResponse resp, HttpResponseMessage msg)

            await resp.SetBodyAsync(msg);

        private static HttpResponse SetStatusCode(this HttpResponse resp, HttpResponseMessage msg)
            => resp.Set(r => r.StatusCode = (int)msg.StatusCode);

        private static HttpResponse SetHeaders(this HttpResponse resp, HttpResponseMessage msg)
            => msg.Headers.Aggregate(resp, (acc, h) => acc.Set(r => r.Headers[h.Key] = new StringValues(h.Value.ToArray())));

        private static async Task<HttpResponse> SetBodyAsync(this HttpResponse resp, HttpResponseMessage msg)
            using (var stream = await msg.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync())
            using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                var content = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();

                return resp.Set(async r => await r.WriteAsync(content));

        private static HttpResponse SetContentType(this HttpResponse resp, HttpResponseMessage msg)
            => resp.Set(r => r.ContentType = msg.Content.Headers.GetValues("Content-Type").Single(), applyIf: msg.Content.Headers.Contains("Content-Type"));

        private static HttpResponse Set(this HttpResponse msg, Action<HttpResponse> config, bool applyIf = true)
            if (applyIf)

            return msg;

I haven't tried @Strenkor En'Triel response since I found this solution first, but I will try it.

Both IHttpRequestMessageFeature and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Proxy are discontinued. IHttpRequestMessageFeature has been removed since ASP.NET Core 3.0.

Microsoft now has a new reverse proxy nuget package Microsoft.ReverseProxy based on ASP.NET Core infrastructure. As per their docs, IHttpProxy for direct proxying scenario can:

serve as the core proxy adapter between incoming AspNetCore and outgoing System.Net.Http requests. It handles the mechanics of creating a HttpRequestMessage from a HttpContext, sending it, and relaying the response.

Here is an example.