Defining Dentalstatus as a class in python

I may have gone way too far on the basics here. But this would be what I would go for. I am truly sorry for not finding a better way to deal with the problem of the patient's teeth being a big dictionary.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional

teeth = {
    18: 'd',
    17: 'c',
    16: 'c',
    15: 'c',
    14: 'h',
    13: 'd',
    12: 'c',
    11: 'h',

dental_catalog = {
    'c': 'crown',
    'h': 'healthy',
    'd': 'decayed'

class Patient:
    name: Optional[str]
    id: int
    dental_health: dict
    health_plan: str
    exists: bool

    def __post_init__(self):
        new_dental_health = {}
        for key, value in teeth.items():
            new_dental_health[key] = dental_catalog[value]
        self.dental_health = new_dental_health

patient_one = Patient(name='John', id=1, dental_health=teeth, health_plan='A', exists=True)

This prints

{18: 'decayed', 17: 'crown', 16: 'crown', 15: 'crown', 14: 'healthy', 13: 'decayed', 12: 'crown', 11: 'healthy'}