Given a list of strings, remove an item from list of dicts based on its value

I have the following list of dicts:

money_line = [
              "id": 1,
              "book": "SPORT_888"
              "id": 2,
              "book": "WYNN"
              "id": 3,
              "book": "BET_RIVERS_VA"
              "id": 4,
              "book": "WILLIAM_HILL"
              "id": 5,
              "book": "SUGAR_HOUSE_NJ"
              "id": 6,
              "book": "WYNN_NY"

And the following list of strings:

list_to_remove = ["SPORT_888", "WYNN", "MGM"]

As you can see, in the dict values I have a suffix on "WYNN_NY" items. I need to remove from money_line all items that are in list_to_remove, ignoring the suffix.

Already tried:

live_money_line = [i for i in money_line if i['book'].rsplit('_', 1)[0] not in list_to_remove]

But that would remove "888" "SPORT_888", and that's not the result I need.

Also tried:

for code in list_to_remove:
  for item in money_line:
    if code in item['book']:

But for some reason it's not working properly. It keeps wrong items on the money_line list.

Am I missing something in this for loop, or is there a better way to make this work?

Desired result:

money_line = [
              "id": 3,
              "book": "BET_RIVERS_VA"
              "id": 4,
              "book": "WILLIAM_HILL"
              "id": 5,
              "book": "SUGAR_HOUSE_NJ"

You can use startswith() and any() together to filter out the dictionaries you don't want:

money_line = [
              "id": 1,
              "book": "SPORT_888"
              "id": 2,
              "book": "WYNN"
              "id": 3,
              "book": "BET_RIVERS_VA"
              "id": 4,
              "book": "WILLIAM_HILL"
              "id": 5,
              "book": "SUGAR_HOUSE_NJ"
              "id": 6,
              "book": "WYNN_NY"

list_to_remove = ["SPORT_888", "WYNN", "MGM"]

[d for d in money_line if not any(d['book'].startswith(token) for token in list_to_remove)]

Which results in:

[{'id': 3, 'book': 'BET_RIVERS_VA'},
 {'id': 4, 'book': 'WILLIAM_HILL'},
 {'id': 5, 'book': 'SUGAR_HOUSE_NJ'}]