How create two Variable and filter with map_dbl [duplicate]

We may use colMeans on a logical matrix in base R, convert the named vector to a two column data.frame with stack

stack(+(colMeans(Data == "") > 0.05))[2:1]

Explanation - Data == "" returns a logical matrix, colMeans get the mean of the logical vector for each column (which would be the percentage (*100) of TRUE values), then convert to logical vector by comparing with 0.05 (5 percent). The logical can be coeced to binary with either (+) or use as.integer. The output of colMeans is a named vector, which remains as such. stack converts the logical named vector to a two column data.frame. Indexing ([2:1]) will reorder the columns i.e. 2nd column appears first, followed by first column.


                 ind values
1               Year      0
2              Month      0
3                Day      0
4               Hour      0
5            Id_Type      1
6 Code_Intersecction      1

With tidyverse, the equivalent is enframe (from tibble)

map(Data, ~ +(round(mean(.x == ""), 3) * 100 >= 5)) %>%
  enframe(name = 'Variables') %>%
# A tibble: 6 × 2
  Variables          value
  <chr>              <int>
1 Year                   0
2 Month                  0
3 Day                    0
4 Hour                   0
5 Id_Type                1
6 Code_Intersecction     1

Use tibble:rownames_to_column:

tibble::rownames_to_column(Data_Null, var ="Variables")

# A tibble: 6 x 2
  Variables           Null
  <chr>              <dbl>
1 Year                   0
2 Month                  0
3 Day                    0
4 Hour                   0
5 Id_Type                1
6 Code_Intersecction     1