Dataproc Cluster creation is failing with PIP error "Could not build wheels"

Seems you need to upgrade pip, see this question.

But there can be multiple pips in a Dataproc cluster, you need to choose the right one.

  1. For init actions, at cluster creation time, /opt/conda/default is a symbolic link to either /opt/conda/miniconda3 or /opt/conda/anaconda, depending on which Conda env you choose, the default is Miniconda3, but in your case it is Anaconda. So you can run either /opt/conda/default/bin/pip install --upgrade pip or /opt/conda/anaconda/bin/pip install --upgrade pip.

  2. For custom images, at image creation time, you want to use the explicit full path, /opt/conda/anaconda/bin/pip install --upgrade pip for Anaconda, or /opt/conda/miniconda3/bin/pip install --upgrade pip for Miniconda3.

So, you can simply use /opt/conda/anaconda/bin/pip install --upgrade pip for both init actions and custom images.