R function to create data.frame based on variable in a column

I'm new to R and having some trouble. If I have a df call 'xyz' as below.

C1 C2 C3
x 1 Three
x 2 Three
y 1 Three
y 0 Three
z 2 Three
z 1 Three

from the df above, I want to crate separate data frames named with variables in c1 such as:

data frame name 'x'

C1 C2 C3
x 1 Three
x 2 Three

data frame name 'y'

C1 C2 C3
y 1 Three
y 0 Three

data frame name 'z'

C1 C2 C3
z 2 Three
z 1 Three

sorry if it is already answered but I couldn't find any good solution for now.

Since you are new to R its ideal to stick to base R. But keeping a dplyr option for future use as well.

df %>%
  group_by(`C1`) %>%
  group_walk( ~ write_csv(
    ) #paste0 function willbuild a custom filename as per your needs
  ), .keep = TRUE) #.keep=T will keep the grouped column in the file.

Pls check help on dplyr::group_walk and it has an example as well.