Here is the pattern I've been using.

    room_id serial primary key,
    room_type VARCHAR not null,

    CHECK CONSTRAINT room_type in ("standard_room","family_room"),
    UNIQUE (room_id, room_type)

CREATE_TABLE standard_room (
    room_id integer primary key,
    room_type VARCHAR not null default "standard_room",

    FOREIGN KEY (room_id, room_type) REFERENCES room (room_id, room_type),
    CHECK CONSTRAINT room_type  = "standard_room"
CREATE_TABLE family_room (
    room_id integer primary key,
    room_type VARCHAR not null default "family_room",

    FOREIGN KEY (room_id, room_type) REFERENCES room (room_id, room_type),
    CHECK CONSTRAINT room_type  = "family_room"

That is, the 'subclasses' point at the super-class, by way of a type descriminator column (such that the pointed to base class is of the correct type, and that primary key of the super class is the same as the child classes.