Efficient way to generate all possibilities of string from characters [closed]

I am trying to randomly generate a string of n length from 5 characters ('ATGC '). I am currently using itertools.product, but it is incredibly slow. I switched to itertools.combinations_with_replacement, but it skips some values. Is there a faster way of doing this? For my application order does matter.

for error in itertools.product('ATGC ', repeat=len(errorPos)):
    for ps in error:
        for pos in errorPos:
            if ps == " ":
                fseqL[pos] = ""
                fseqL[pos] = ps

Solution 1:

If you just want a random single sequence:

import random
def generate_DNA(N):
    possible_bases ='ACGT'
    return ''.join(random.choice(possible_bases) for i in range(N))
one_hundred_bp_sequence = generate_DNA(100)

That was posted before post clarified spaces need; you can change possible_sequences to include a space if you need spaces allowed.

If you want all combinations that allow a space, too, a solution adapted from this answer, which I learned of from Biostars post 'all possible sequences from consensus':

from itertools import product

def all_possibilities_w_space(seq):
   """return list of all possible sequences given a completely ambiguous DNA input. Allow spaces"""
   d = {"N":"ACGT "}
   return  list(map("".join, product(*map(d.get, seq)))) 
all_possibilities_w_space("N"*2) # example of length two

The idea being N can be any of "ACGT " and the multiple specifies the length. The map should specify C is used to make it faster according to the answer I adapted it from.