I have trouble understanding the flow of pipeline design pattern, especially how the chain of steps are executed one after the other?

I am trying to implement pipeline design pattern using reference from : https://java-design-patterns.com/patterns/pipeline/ and https://medium.com/@deepakbapat/the-pipeline-design-pattern-in-java-831d9ce2fe21

I have created example classes as below to debug and understand the flow .When the call jobPipeline.execute(12); in PipelineRunner.class is fired, only first step's method should be executed correct? but how come other steps(second and third steps) are also getting executed one after the other?


public interface Step<I, O> {
  O executeStep(I stepData);


public class Pipeline<I, O> {

  private final Step<I, O> current;

  public Pipeline(Step<I, O> current) {
    this.current = current;

  public <K> Pipeline<I, K> next(Step<O, K> step) {
    return new Pipeline<>(input -> step.executeStep(current.executeStep(input)));

  public O execute(I input) {
    return current.executeStep(input);


public class PipelineRunner {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    Step<Integer, Integer> firstStep = x->{ System.out.println("First step");
      return 2; };

    Step<Integer, Integer> secondStep = x->{ System.out.println("Second step");
      return 2; };

    Step<Integer, Integer> thirdStep = x->{ System.out.println("Third step");
      return 2; };

    var jobPipeline = new Pipeline<>(firstStep)

     jobPipeline.execute(12); //How rest of steps( second and third step) are executed with this single call on the jobPipeline object?




First step
Second step
Third step

Solution 1:

In this line:


current.executeStep is executed, and then step.executeStep so its result can be passed in. This is no different from Math.abs(1+2) evaluating 1+2=3 before passing it to Math.abs.