How to schedule/run python script remotely using jenkins

I have a Python test script in a GitHub repo that I am looking to run every few hours. Now, I know I can use Jenkins to schedule the executions and have them run locally on my machine, but my question is how do I do this without the need for my machine to be powered on? In other words, is there a way to run a script not locally and through some headless service? My company does use circleCI, is that what I would use?

Solution 1:

A "cron" schedule in Jenkins would let you run tests on a repeating schedule. Details from this Stack Overflow question: Configure cron job to run every 15 minutes on Jenkins

You also mentioned CircleCI, and for that you'll find some useful information about configuring the .yml file here:

Since you're using GitHub, you'll also be able to do that using GitHub Actions: How can I get Selenium tests to run in python with Github actions?

You'll need to set a cron timing in that .yml file (details in

    # * is a special character in YAML so you have to quote this string
    - cron:  '30 5,17 * * *'

If you need more assistance, I created a video a few years ago about how to set up Jenkins for Python/pytest Selenium testing on Jenkins from Google Cloud using SeleniumBase here:

(If you're just running a Python/pytest script without Selenium, just ignore the Selenium-specific parts.)